Voxatron First Impressions

Voxatron’s boot sequence.

Today I got Voxatron! It’s a fantasy console like PICO-8, and also from Lexaloffle, but in 3D. I didn’t initially buy Voxatron along with PICO-8 because it didn’t look like my cup of tea, but recently some tweets by zep convinced me otherwise, and I thought I’d write my first impressions.

On first launch, I got a crash with the error: “./vox: error while loading shared libraries: libHoloPlayCore.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”. I searched around and found an answer on stackoverflow. I copied “libHoloPlayCore.so” into /usr/lib and it fixed the problem. However, the fullscreen mode is off-center.

With Voxatron working, I played several of the demo cartridges. They’re fun! I’m mostly interested in making non-platformer games in Voxatron, but I guess I’ll see. Voxatron feels much more like Gamemaker or Unity than PICO-8 and it makes me realize how small PICO-8 really is. The designer interface feels overwhelming at first: there’s lots of colors, lots of buttons, lots of menus, and wait, is that the PICO-8 sound editor? xD I made a tiny first cartridge which draws random voxels in the volume:

Not sure why this GIF isn’t the full view of the window.

So far, I’m really enjoying Voxatron and I look forward to making things with it!

PS – as I was exporting the boot sequence GIF, it somehow glitched:

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