new project look dev

A super quick render in Blender to test a look for a new project!


Summer ‘22, Day 37

Today I made a render in Blender while vibing to some good music.


Dusk Clouds

This one was tricky because I wanted to use volumetric clouds (see this video), but in Blender 2.79, without volumetrics, on the world shader, and in Cycles. Almost everything was working, except I couldn’t find a good base shape for the clouds. I tried so many different combinations of gradients and textures. I eventually tried…


Falling Petals

A single Blender shader + compositing color grade. No geometry, just a shader going brrrr. Here’s the blend file:


Mini Blender Renders, #8

Inspired by Composition 37 – Rorschach\Larshe. Reference photos by


Mini Blender Renders, #7

This one is based on a memory I have of Sears. I have no idea why they had washing machines right at the front entrance, but I think it looks cool.


Mini Blender Renders, #3

A book store closing. I’ve painted this scene before and I wanted to do it again in 3D.


Mini Blender Renders, #2

“I gaze down the aisle of storage units. Dandelions carpet the concrete. A cool breeze stirs them and lifts their essence of possibilities. I pick one. I blow the seeds and watch them twist in the current. Somewhere nearby, I hear a door slide open.”


Mini Blender Renders, #1

Lately I’ve been feeling inspired to make mini renders in Blender. Here’s two so far:


Procedural Stars in Blender

Earlier today I was working on a photoshop commission for a friend and I needed stars, but couldn’t find an image I liked. Enter procedural stars. They’re great because you can get exactly the stars and sky you want. The shader I made today isn’t photo realistic, but it could definitely be expanded. Here’s an…
