I recently bought my first NES controller for $6! The NES controller is the quintessential controller and I’ve somehow never used one before or played NES games. I thought I’d get it cleaned up and then use it to play PICO-8 games. I’m waiting on my retroUSB adapter to arrive, but in the meantime, here’s the photos from the cleaning process:

Cleaning it was super easy: only 6 screws and 9 parts in total.
I cleaned the buttons with warm water, a drop of dish soap, and a tooth brush. The other parts I just wiped down with some 70% isopropyl alcohol. Not sure if this is the recommended method, but it’s clean now, so ¯_(ツ)_/¯.
I can’t wait to play some games! I hope it works. The PCB looks good to my untrained eye, but I’ll find out once my adapter arrives.
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