A brief review of Wordle

Hey, I wasn’t sure what to write about today. Then I remembered I have a 30 day streak in Wordle, so I thought, why not review it?

Wordle is a word game where you try to guess a five letter word in six turns. Each turn reveals correct letters: yellow letters are in the word, but in the wrong place, and green letters are in the correct place. My favorite thing about Wordle is that there’s only one puzzle per day. I usually play it in the morning for about 5 to 30 minutes (30 minutes sounds like a lot, but I tend towards the 5 minute side).
I don’t optimize my starting word, I just go with the first word that pops in my brain. From there my play style tends toward calculated guesses and gradually devolves into spamming letters until something works. I’ve learned some new words using this technique, including: octan, trine, giust, geist, and toise (all of which are red squiggled here, so you know they’re good). I don’t play many word games, but I like Wordle. It’s very chill. I would recommend, especially if you don’t normally like word games.

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