It’s finally time to learn assembly! I want to make demos for the TI-83 Plus calculator, which uses Z80 assembly. I’ve only done a little ARM assembly on the Raspberry Pi, but nothing noteworthy. Today I’m finding resources and scoping out the assembly landscape. I know that assembly isn’t portable like C or Python. Each processor has its own assembly, but the general concepts should transfer. Most of the resources for Z80 assembly are super old, like late 90s, and use proprietary software. has some good guides, but I’m thinking of starting with a course.
You know what I’m thinking, Mr. Gustavo has a course on 6502 assembly for the Atari 2600. Will the concepts transfer to Z80? I think so. My brief research seems to suggest that Z80 and 6502 are either wildly different or vaguely similar. Either way, I know the course will be a solid introduction to assembly programming. I wonder if ><> is similar to assembly. It has a register, so maybe? Anyway, onward into the land of assembly programming!
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