Mini Programs in ><>

Some mini programs I made in ><>, which is a 2D esoteric programming language. Here’s the wiki page about it. To run these programs, paste them into the online interpreter (the site is down right now, so that link is to the internet archive).

The programs

A mini text game, use y/n to answer questions:

"There's a cat here"01                   rv
>1-:0=?!v"Pet the cat?"12                rv
v       <
>1-:0=?!v~1=?v"You don't pet the cat."01 rv
v       <    >"You pet the cat!"03       rv
>1-:0=?!v"Pet the cat again?"14          rv
v       <
>1-:0=?!v~1=?v"You don't pet the cat."03 rv
        ;    >"The cat purrs! :D"05      rv
               >   ~   v   .11<      >o   v
  .11$]="y"oao:^?=-21:i<[0o">"^?=0 oa^?)2l<

A meme:

"1"1"1"rlo o
 "#"#"  0>a^
 :#:#:   ?
.]::::: )=
: :::::  1
: ::::: ?: 
: ::::: >^
: ::::  ;
. :#: :
" "#" "

Two random number generators (delete the first “v” to use the second one):

      v               v
>n" "ov     | >n     >v
^   <   <   | o    v  x  v
    1 v 4   | "    v  v  v
^  2x<x>x5v |     vxvvxvvxv
    3 ^ 6   | "   123456789
^   <   < < | ^   <<<<<<<<<

These were really fun to make, maybe I’ll make more in the future. Let me know if you have any questions or comments!

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