Winter ’22/23, Day 2

It’s so weird to not feel constant impending doom. Maybe I should try something different next semester to skip the doom part of my homework.


Winters ’22/23, Day 1

Welcome to winter! I want to make some stuff now that I have time.


Fall ’22, Day 108

I”M DONE!!!!!!!!111 The finals are done, the assignments are done, and the classes are over. I’m so ready to rest.


Fall ’22, Day 107

I have two more finals to go. Ugh, I’m so ready to be done.


Fall ’22, Day 106

Would you be the warm friend on a rainy evening?
Would you hold my faint words and watch me build castles?
Would you?
Until the last word swims and sculpts and I breathe in.
Until I learn to speak.


Fall ’22, Day 105

Y’all, today I got a 32” monitor and it has changed my life forever. I started watching Pixar’s “UP” and I felt like I was watching it for the first time. The colors are so good. Every scene I couldn’t stop myself from being like, “the colors!!!1”


Fall ’22, Day 104

I haven’t officially started the experiment yet, but I did try to read and scroll less today, and I feel like I stayed focused much better. I’m so tired.


Fall ’22, Day 103

Sometimes I wonder if I consume too much media. I read countless articles each day, look at so many memes, and scroll through so much art. I wonder if I’m not giving myself enough time to process or enough time to just be. I wonder if my brain never switches into thinking mode because I’m…


Fall ’22, Day 101

I have a programming exam tomorrow morning and I think I’m ready. I’ve spent what feels like a lifetime preparing for it.


Fall ’22, Day 100

Today I literally ran to one of my classes and it was canceled. I guess I wasn’t expecting the last class to be canceled. At least the semester is almost over. Does fall end with it?


Fall ’22, Day 99

My post on Tumblr got 55 notes. That’s the most I’ve ever gotten on any social media platform. Feels significant.


Fall ’22, Day 98

Today I learned that “relative sentence length” is part of prose rhythm. It’s a very complex topic and I want to spend some time researching it.


Fall ’22, Day 97

A random thought on writing: I feel like relative sentence length is important. It’s jarring if they change length abruptly. Gradually shorter is the way to go. So that the action goes faster. And slightly faster. Quick. Like this. Then take your time. Stretch them out with care. Slowing the pace back to where it…


Fall ’22, Day 96

Can you believe that it’s been a year since I started playing Getting Over It? Today I rediscovered “I’ll Go” by Direct and Park Avenue. I spent so many hours listening to it while playing Getting Over It that now it fills me with determination.


Fall ’22, Day 95

Y’all, I’ve started learning Esperanto. Maybe Zamenhof was right. He said his goal was to “render the study of the language so easy as to make its acquisition mere play to the learner.” I zoomed through the first unit on Duolingo and I’m expecting the difficulty curve to rise, but right now it’s super easy.


Fall ’22, Day 94

Happy thanksgiving everyone! I hope you had a great day. I know I did.


Fall ’22, Day 93

It’s so quiet right now. I couldn’t tell if my headphones had noise cancellation on. I don’t realize how loud everything is normally.
