30 Days of Sound, #12

More guitar chords! (C, C maj7, Am, G, and F add9) For some reason the audio is crunchy, not sure why.


30 Days of Sound, #11

I was feeling really uninspired today, so here’s one of my favorite chords: F add9.


30 Days of Sound, #10

Today I played some guitar chords and reversed the samples. I think it sounds cool. It was tricky to make the peak land on beat, so I didn’t even try xD


30 Days of Sound, #9

I’m still playing with the Mellotron sounds and I’ve only tried three of them! Here’s two little sequences I made. I’m not sure how to combine them. Every time I add two Mellotron sounds in the same song, it just doesn’t sound good.


30 Days of Sound, #8

I played more with the Mellotron sound! I made a melody and imported the sample again for chords, but then Flip erased my melody track. Although, I actually like the chords better on their own.


30 Days of Sound, #7

Today I played with Mellotron sounds! I’ve been wanting to play with the Mellotron forever and I finally got samples. I only used one note recorded into Flip and it probably would’ve sounded better if I used several. Thanks to Taijiguy for the Mellotron samples!


30 Days of Sound, #6

I made a thing in Garageband! One thing I like about Garageband is that it has drum kit presets so I don’t have to find drums which sound good together.


30 Days of Sound, #5

Today I sampled bricks. I wanted to turn them into a beat, but nothing worked out. While playing with it, I discovered a cool laser sound and a weird note slide riser thingy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


30 Days of Sound, #4

Today I sampled some car related sounds, like keys and window switches. I also used some of the stock samples provided in Flip (the clap, guitar chord, and bass note.) It’s really fun recording some of my own samples and then mixing them with samples I couldn’t create myself.


30 Days of Sound, #3

I’m learning that things can sound like other things. Candlesticks can sound sort of like bells, especially with lots of reverb.


30 Days of Sound, #2

I wanted to make something lofi today, so I recorded a few guitar chords and played with the settings until it sounded sort of lofi. I thought it’d only take 30 minutes, but I lost all sense of time and spent more like 2 hours.


30 Days of Sound, #1

Yesterday I got a new music app on my phone: Flip Sampler. I played around with it a bit, and then last night at 1 AM, I couldn’t sleep. So I thought, “time for round two!” I recorded my pillow falling flat, a pillowcase swoosh, a snap, and a lampshade. I played with the sounds…
