Broken Typewriter

I think this is almost the complete opposite of PICO-8 Text Editor.


Fall ’22, Day 48

I made a game to show how I’ve been feeling lately:


Cube Matrix Rain

I made a demo with PICO-8’s new web version! Here’s the link if you’d like to run it.


Spray Paint v1 (PICO-8)

Spray Paint in PICO-8! Spray Paint is a drawing application for PICO-8. It’s like the Airbrush tool in Microsoft Paint.


Smooth 2D Random Movement

I just found a cool, really simple way to do smooth random movement. I’ve spent hours working on other, way more complicated ways to do this. Here’s how it works: the object has two angles which are rotated a random amount each frame. The object is pulled in the direction of each angle the same…


Colors Demo (PICO-8)

Today I played with sine and cosine in PICO-8, and it looked cool, so here it is! Press any key (arrows or X/Z) to pause.


Fr e sh a vo cado

Here’s a meme rendition I made a while ago and forgot to post. Original meme by @Gasoleen.


Pixel Art House (PICO-8)

Today I finished the animation! It’s the house from UP with clouds and balloon physics. Use the up and down arrow keys to move the camera.


Circle Collisions, #3

Today I drew a pixel art house! It’s the house from UP, which is one of my favorite movies. The circle collisions are done, so I’m not sure how to title this post. Anyway, next up is clouds!


Circle Collisions, #2

More collisions! I borrowed some code from my bubbles screensaver and it’s working pretty well. I still need to optimize it so I have more CPU available for other things. I can’t wait to add the other graphics!


Circle Collisions, #1

Today I started working on a better circle collision system for an upcoming animation/demo I want to make. I can’t seem to get enough of Verlet integration+circle collisions. I guess because they’re super easy and the results look fairly realistic.


Squishy Square (PICO-8)

Today I felt like making a physics demo, so I did! The Verlet integration physics code is from Coding Math.


PICO-8 Clock

Here’s the clock I was working on last month. I just added sounds (which are off by default because they’re too loud.) Controls: “Z” to toggle number bounce mode.


PICO-8 Text Editor with Effects, #35

Almost everything is done! The only thing left to do is the credits screen. I’m thinking I may just have it insert the credits text into the editor and then the user could delete it when they’re done.


PICO-8 Text Editor with Effects, #33

Today I finished the scrolling system! It’s still a little buggy, but it works. I have about half an hour left and the remaining tasks are quick:
