Review of “3D Graphics Programming from Scratch” (

Here’s my review of 3D Graphics Programming from Scratch by Gustavo Pezzi. TL;DR: It’s amazing 11/10, just buy it already. I can confirm the other positive reviews are all true. So in this review I’ll focus on things the other reviewers haven’t already said. Cue the montage! How I started: And here’s some things I’ve…


Learning C, Day 20 (Z-Buffer)

Z-buffer! It was really quick to add (1 hour). I already had per-pixel Z values from the texture perspective correction code. It looks really cool if I intentionally display the pixels backwards: Tomorrow I should be implementing a better camera!


Learning C, Day 13 (More Matrix Math)

More matrix math today. I spent about an hour and a half implementing matrix rotation and scaling: Perspective matrix is up next, I’ll see you tomorrow!


Learning C, Day 12 (Matrix Math)

Matrix math. I added types and functions for matrix scaling and translation, which took about two hours. I’m thinking I might not use matrices in the PICO-8 port because they seem to add a bunch of overhead. I guess I’ll see. An update on Vim: sometimes I find myself pressing “j” to go down in…
