Resting v2, Day 13

“What’s one thing you did today?” I played Kirby and the Forgotten Land! It’s delightful!


Resting v2, Day 12

“What’s one thing you did today?” I did math! So much math.


Resting v2, Day 11

“What’s one thing you did today?” I started playing Kirby and the Forgotten Land, and I love it!


Resting v2, Day 10

“What’s one thing you did today?” I did so much homework. I’m so tired. But I’m done, and it’s time to play some games on my Switch!


Resting v2, Day 9

“What’s one thing you did today?” I played games on my Switch! It arrived today, and I absolutely love it! It’s also making me reconsider my general dislike of dpads.


Resting v2, Day 8

“What’s one thing you did today?” I checked out more library books! I have books checked out from three libraries at the moment.


Resting v2, Day 7

“What’s one thing you did today?” I did some math homework!


Resting v2, Day 5

“What’s one thing you did today?” I wrote a pro/con list to help me decide which Nintendo Switch to buy. Then I kept writing and… I wrote another 1000 words, but I have no plans of continuing tomorrow because this took wayyy too long xD This is a story of some of my experiences with…


Resting v2, Day 4

“What’s one thing you did today?” Today I thought some thoughts. Then I started thinking. Thinking about writing 1000 words. How does it feel to type all of them? Good? Weird? Tiring? Maybe 1000 is too many to repeat every day. Lance of light, land loftily, show the way toward the light. Maybe just writing…


Resting v2, Day 3

“What’s one thing you did today?” I did homework and not much else. So much math homework!


Resting v2, Day 2

“What’s one thing you did today?” I read Coraline. It was creepy. I liked it. Although, at the end I was like (spoilers, so rotate 13): “Chg gung guvat onpx jurer vg pnzr sebz!”


Resting v2, Day 1

It’s new series time! I’m taking a break from creative projects, version 2! I really liked my last break from creative projects, so it’s time for version 2, with some changes. Last time a month was a little too long, so this time I’ll start with 2 weeks and go from there. Goal Just chill…
