Spring ’23, Day 46

I finished playing Half-Life 2! Here’s my aforementioned screenshot collection. I feel like they make the game look chill xD Warning: spoilers.


Spring ’23, Day 45

Today I was playing around in Bryce, and I did a test render which ended up looking cool:


Spring ’23, Day 44

Hello! The time has come. I’ve spent years in the shadows, watching, waiting for my moment to arrive. Now it’s finally here and I’m so excited! My name is Jacob Lehtola. Welcome to my site! I realized that I never did a proper introduction for myself. Maybe this will suffice: I’m a student at Austin…


Spring ’23, Day 43

I keep trying to find ideas. I keep trying to make things. I’m ambitious, and I spend so much energy chasing things I can’t see. The goal was to write something, anything, every day. But I’m not really enjoying the process. Maybe I should change the rules; change the expectation.


Spring ’23, Day 42

Earlier I went on a tirade with ChatGPT which resulted in Qwerty singing silly songs and getting stuck on “oh where” for a few hundred lines, bread in unknown dimensions, skilled pancake stackers, and “Is 7 a flavor of ice cream?” Good times.


Spring ’23, Day 41

Little break from Half-Life 2 today. Thinking about the concept of leading lines in visual art, and if there’s something like leading thoughts.


Spring ’23, Day 40

Still playing Half-Life 2, and I’m enjoying some of the puzzles. Again, similar to Portal.


Spring ’23, Day 39

Still playing Half-Life 2, and it’s interesting to see some of the elements that also appear in Portal. Like turrets, bullet proof glass, and surprise breaking stairs.


Spring ’23, Day 38

Today I started playing Half-Life 2, and the graphics are amazing! I’ll post a screenshot collection when I finish the game.


Spring ā€™23, Day 37

I wonder if I could get a clock that only ticks every 3 seconds. Would time feel slower?


Spring ’23, Day 36

Today I found a quiet, secluded, and mysterious spot on campus! I look forward to spending some quality time there.


Spring ’23, Day 35

Today I read some hiragana to find a song I was looking for! I’m so proud of myself šŸ˜Š


Spring ā€™23, Day 34

Iā€™m in the sun. Birds are singing and ants are scurrying. The sunlight is warm and the breeze is cool. Iā€™m thinking about intrinsic value.


Spring ’23, Day 31

Oo, it’s research and prep time! I love this part!


Spring ’23, Day 30

I’ve got a new project going, but I don’t have a name for it yet. Kind of exciting!


Spring ’23, Day 29

Thinking about ambition. Thinking about goals. Thinking about mountains. Thinking about the things I told myself I couldn’t do. But what if?
