Spring ’23, Day 26

I know what I want to do, but not really what I want to say. Maybe I need some new experiences. Maybe not all that’s created in darkness is dark.


Spring ’23, Day 25

Update: the pencil writes great! I wrote some notes, and it writes like a pencil: smooth, with some nice variable line width and shading. Maybe I can post some sample writing.


Spring ’23, Day 24

Today I rescued a pencil! I found it by the edge of a sidewalk, hiding in perfect limbo between cement and grass. This is a writing instrument with some serious history. The pencil has most, if not all, of its original length. Its orange paint is peeling, and it has a relic feel. The golden…


Spring ’23, Day 23

Maybe the tools I use to write don’t matter that much. Maybe where I am doesn’t matter that much. It’s still just me. [Writing on my MacBook beneath my bed.]


Spring ’23, Day 22

I wish I had 48 hours in a day. I’m so inspired to learn everything, but I feel like I don’t have enough time.


Spring ’23, Day 21

Thinking about context. How does the space I write from affect me? I want to choose where to write. write while I’m falling asleep, write in the rain, on a train, in the trees, surrounded by bees (oops, im rhyming). How does space change what I write and how you read?


Spring ’23, Day 20

Y’all, today I built a new computer with my friends and it’s absolutely amazing! Everything runs so smooth! And I can finally render in Blender!


Spring ’23, Day 19

Message is about context. Maybe I can create context.

I’ll try.


Spring ’23, Day 18

What if I did lots of things fast? What if I wrote a mini book in 3 days? What if I recorded an EP in a few hours? What would happen?


Spring ’23, Day 17

I recorded some ukulele practice! You can hear my fingernail hitting the fretboard xD


Spring ’23, Day 16

I love playing ukulele! I need to record some stuff, even if it’s just practice.


Spring ’23, Day 15

Thinking about game development and the balance between creating meaning and referencing meaning the player already has.


Spring ’23, Day 14

I want to learn everything. Maybe I can learn everything. I live in the perfect age to learn everything. I am the perfect age to learn everything. I need to learn drums, guitar, bass guitar, piano, synthesizer, and ukulele. So many things to learn! I’ve been playing ukulele for almost a year and I feel…


Spring ’23, Day 13

Ghost, roast, toast. Alliterations abound. And I adore all of them.


Spring ’23, Day 12

I rely on autocorrect. It’s so good, at least on iPhone. I’d be typing nonsense without it.


Spring ’23, Day 11

I kinda like the feeling of power outages, but not the damage to infrastructure and all that.
