Video Experiment Day 7, “More Clouds”

Today is the last day of the experiment! The videos I made weren’t really the videos I expected to make. I thought I’d have more time and energy to make them, but I’ve been tired the last week with the start of the semester. Maybe I’ll make more once things settle down.


Video Experiment Day 3, “Nighttime Trees”

Maybe what things physically are doesn’t matter as much as our relationships with them. I’m thinking about this because I’m researching cameras, and the Sony ZV-1’s tripod mount blocks the card slot. That small detail would mean more to me than almost anything else about the camera, because it makes it harder to use.


Video Experiment Day 0, “Trees”

Let’s try something new together! All the cool kids are making videos, and I too want to make videos, so it’s new series time!
