Playing “Getting Over It”, notes on run #1

I want to do a full review, but I feel like I need to complete it at least a few more times to really understand it.
So here’s some notes from run #1:

  • I’m glad I rode the snake before the ending. I feel like it wouldn’t be as meaningful if I had done it afterward. (rotate 13: Evqvat gur fanxr tnir zr gur ortvaavatf bs srneyrffarff.)
  • The rocks just past the orange are still the hardest part. I wrote that I’d eventually either get skilled or lucky. It took me 49 tries to get skilled.
  • I got super lucky with the bucket; I made it on the 3rd try. I wonder how difficult it will be going forward.
  • The ending really is magical. It made all the starting over worth it.

I’m going to continue playing. I want to see what the game will become. Some reviewers talk about it being relaxing and I want to find out for myself.


  1. jacob begins to achieve fearlessness via a jank physics platforming game featuring motivational quotes

    I’ve always played this game just trying to get to the top but never thought of it as a game to play casually. I thought to enjoy the game you have to hold back your frustration from failing, but it’s rather that you don’t feel it in the first place. I always appreciate your positive mindset lol

    1. It’s just the beginnings of fearlessness in the game, but I suppose fearlessness has to start somewhere. I think I’m getting to the point where I can play casually and not be so focused on progress or reaching the top. And what you say about enjoying the game is so true. I hadn’t thought about it that way and you put it into words perfectly

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