Resting v2, Day 32

“What’s one thing you did today?” I rested! I’m going to be doing interesting things later, but I won’t have internet, so I’ll probably post about them tomorrow.


Resting v2, Day 31

“What’s one thing you did today?” I did a little driving!


Resting v2, Day 30

“What’s one thing you did today?” I did some shopping!


Resting v2, Day 29

“What’s one thing you did today?” I went on a walk in the park with my brother, and it was nice to be outside for a while.


Resting v2, Day 28

“What’s one thing you did today?” I got another ukulele! It’s a 21″ soprano and it’s so cute! I just realized I haven’t posted photos of my first ukulele. Photos are in order, but probably not very soon.


Resting v2, Day 27

“What’s one thing you did today?” I rested.


Resting v2, Day 26

“What’s one thing you did today?” I tried to rest, but I didn’t really rest. I’m feeling down.


Resting v2, Day 25

“What’s one thing you did today?” I finished my last final! It feels weird to not have any homework due.


Resting v2, Day 24

“What’s one thing you did today?” I listened to one of my favorite albums: Marina by Tupperwave. I like to think of all the different versions of me across the timeline listening to the album in sync, all resting.


Resting v2, Day 23

“What’s one thing you did today?” I thought some thoughts. For example, you’re supposed to be quiet in the library, but I don’t feel a need to be as quiet in the library as I would otherwise. I think this is because the judge is external. If I’m not bothering the librarian, I’m not being…


Resting v2, Day 22

“What’s one thing you did today?” I rested. Tried to rest, anyway. I ate lunch in the rain and it felt nice.


Resting v2, Day 21

“What’s one thing you did today?” I rewrote a thing I wrote a few days ago:


Resting v2, Day 20

“What’s one thing you did today?” I thought about learning things. Cringe is the cost of glory.


Resting v2, Day 19

“What’s one thing you did today?” I did homework aaaaa


Resting v2, Day 18

“What’s one thing you did today?” I wrote what I needed to hear. Side note, I’ve either never written about mental health before, or exclusively written about it, depending on how you see it. Anyway.


Resting v2, Day 17

“What’s one thing you did today?” I did so much homework. Lowkey losing my mind.


Resting v2, Day 15

“What’s one thing you did today?” I binge watched a bunch of Andrew Huang’s YouTube videos. There’s something about them.I feel like I’m finding something.


Resting v2, Day 14

“What’s one thing you did today?” I did math homework! (This seems to be a theme.)
