Summer ’22, Day 78

I finally bought Bryce 7! I’ve been wanting to try it forever and it’s so good! Bryce 7 is a 3D scene creation and rendering tool from 2011. It’s weird coming from Blender, but I love it so far. Making this scene was really peaceful. Most of my Blender scenes are totally from scratch and…


Summer ’22, Day 77

I’m finishing up learning this beginner version of Clair de Lune and I want more. More expression, complexity, and subtlety. But I also want to enjoy playing and not push myself away from piano by making things hard. Maybe I’ll learn some other beginner pieces before I continue with a more advanced Clair de Lune.


Summer ‘22, Day 76

I’m 90% there. It’s weird to watch my fingers moving without my full attention. I wonder what flow state is like playing piano. I have a glimpse of what it’s like because I’m so used to it with programming and painting, but not with music.


Summer ‘22, Day 75

I’m so close to playing this beginner version of Clair de Lune all the way through. I figured out the right hand fingering and now I just need to make sure I’m using the correct fingering with my left hand.


Summer ’22, Day 74

I’ve been listening to Clair de Lune on repeat and it’s so beautiful.It’s everything I want to say and I must play it. I’m learning, but it’s so slow.


Summer ‘22, Day 73

I’ve been wondering recently: what is up with red text? Anything written in red has a threatening aura, but why? Other colors don’t come close to the level of red. For example, green text only feels about half as positive as red text feels negative.


Summer ‘22, Day 72

Today was really chill. I started playing Flower by thatgamecompany and it’s everything I hoped it would be. I also continued watching “Your Lie in April” and it’s still amazing.


Summer ‘22, Day 71

Alright, I’m making a brief stop back on local time before I enter finals time. The trip is going well so far; no complaints, just some jet lag.


Summer ‘22, Day 70

I propose a new time zone: midterms and finals time. I’m on midterm time right now. Days of the week don’t matter to finals time. The rising and setting of the sun doesn’t matter to finals time. The only thing that matters to finals time is the number of hours remaining until you exit finals…


Summer ’22, Day 69

I’ve resumed playing piano! I got the free version of Flowkey and I really like it. I’m learning Clair de Lune and it feels like the piano is alive. Somehow I never felt like that when I was learning piano before. Maybe I’ve been approaching this from the wrong angle. Previously, I was focused on…


Summer ‘22, Day 68

I’m victorious today. I submitted an absolute bop of a paper and I feel amazing. I don’t care what grade it gets; I know it’s good.


Summer ‘22, Day 67

I can’t believe I’ve never posted about M83’s album Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming. It’s a masterpiece; literally so good.


Summer ’22, Day 66

Step By
Devastation. Loss. Grief.
Every day I walk past them in the sunlit hallway
Every day their eyes trace my path as I pass by


Summer ‘22, Day 65

I’m rewatching “Your Lie in April” and all the music is so fire. It really vibes, especially the second time around. Also, this time I understand the humor from the get-go and I already know the characters. PS: I also played Mario Party with some friends today and I had a great time 😄 Edit…


Summer ’22, Day 64

Continued from yesterday: I think I know the source of my emptiness. I’ve been programming and making games off and on for about 10 years. In that time, I’ve known no one with similar interests. I have friends (you all are the best!), but I still feel alone. All I know is doing things by…


Summer ’22, Day 63

You know what’s weird? This is déjà vu. I’ve sat here before, typed this out and decided to post something else. Only this time I’m not going to post something else. Here it is: I’ve recently noticed that winning doesn’t feel good, it just feels like a relief. Is that bad? Like getting good grades,…


Summer ’22, Day 62

Today I discovered that I have access to the Adobe Substance apps with my student account! I’ve been wanting to try them since forever and now I finally can! I’ve seen so much cool stuff with Substance Designer; it’s like Blender’s procedural materials, but more advanced.


Summer ’22, Day 61

So I’m playing around in Godot and building 3D scenes is magical! I can make whatever I want in Blender and then import it into Godot. I’ve never really made a 3D game before, at least not like this, and it’s so cool to be able to just add stuff to the game.
